This article is designed to provide you with high-level information and tips to guide you in a successful setup of PanatrackerST.
Step 1 to Start Setup
As the administrator for the system, Panatrack will set you up as a user and you will then receive the invite by email to setup your password and get access to the system to start your journey. You will be assigned the Organization Role of SuperUser. This will give you access to everything in the system.
As the first user to log in for your organization, you will need to complete the following:
- Setup at least one Facility Template. Templates This is required to create your first internal team.
- Setup your first internal team. Teams
- Assign yourself to the team with the system Team Role of Administrator.
Add Areas
Every facility must have at least one area setup. Areas hold the items tracked in the system. To setup areas, you will need to create at least one area template.
- Setup Area Template(s)
- Add your area(s) to your first facility.
- Add additional teams and facilities for your organization.
- Set up the areas for the added facilities
- Define and set up additional organization and team roles.
Once you have these steps completed, you are not able to invite additional system users.
Before adding units into the system
The following setup needs to be completed before you can start adding new units into the system:
- Review the Unit of Measure setup and add any additional unit of measure options.
- Define and set up your item templates. Before you jump in, it is recommended that you evaluate the items you plan to track in the system.
- Review the system item template rules and categorize your items based on what rules you want to apply. Be sure to include if the items will be tracked uniquely (serial) or by a quantity as part of this step.
- Define what additional attributes (data) you want to track for the units and what point (transaction) the data would be captured. From the groups defined for the template rules, apply additional grouping based on what data to capture.
- If all the items you track are defined in the same way (or you have only a couple of groups), determine if you want your item template setup to identify a category for your items. Example: If tracking tools that are serial tracked and capturing the same attributes for all of the items; then the item template set up can be a single general template (such as serialized tools); or you can create multiples with the same setup for a more defined categorization (such as drills, hammers, saws, ladders, etc.)
- Once you have your item templates defined, then set up the attributes that you will be assigning to your items.
- After your attributes have been added, then set up your item templates.
- With the item templates defined, you are ready to start adding in your Item Masters.
Once you have your item masters added into the system, you are now ready to add the item units.
If using project/job infrastructure
- Define and add any additional attributes to track for projects.
- Setup project templates.
- Add projects to the system. (Projects can be imported or contact Panatrack to review integration options.)
If using shipping functionality
- Setup Container Templates.
- Setup Shipment Templates. Add any additional attributes needed for shipment first.
- Setup Transport templates
- Setup Carriers and Transports.
If using maintenance functionality
- Add any additional attributes for data to capture for maintenance activities.
- Setup Maintenance Templates.
- Setup Maintenance Plans for your units.
If using package tracking functionality
- Add any attributes for package tracking.
- Complete Package Template Setup.
Other Setup Options to Review
- Transaction Setup. For several transactions, attributes can be defined to capture at the start of the transaction. Create the attributes first and then assign them to the transaction.
- Receive Unit
- Check Out
- PO Receiving
- Receive Transfer
- Add Users. Add system, community and/or customer users.