Release Notes January 2022

Target release date to sandbox environments is targeted for February 2 and production environments February 4.
Development efforts since the October release include the following features and new functionality.

  • Combined Customer Team and Customer Address setup.
  • Combined Vendor Team and Vendor Address setup.
  • Mobile updates to Build Unit and Build Shipment.
  • Updates completed for Facility and Area Template create/edit.
  • Updates to the Unit Maintenance transaction on portal.
  • Update to display of the units transferred list on the Transfer Site Location transaction on portal.
  • Update to the Check In Units list on the portal.
  • Updates to the Organization Role Create/Edit to match the updated site layout design.
  • Corrected the display of the checkbox attribute for transactions.
  • Update to the Item Inquiry on mobile.
  • Update to the Project Template window.
  • Improvements to the Project Inquiry on mobile.
  • Layout updates to streamline the Transfer Order entry header data capture.
  • Removed the display of the unit attributes on Allocate to Project transaction to simplify the form.
  • Update to the Check Out Reservation View/Edit screen on portal.
  • Warning messages introduced when navigating out of a transaction on portal that requires additional action.
  • Layout updates for where attributes are used section of the edit attribute display.

The following were changes made to grid views.

  • Non-returnable items consumed at check-out were added to be displayed in the consumed units grid view.
  • Added the Transfer From column to the Closed Transfer Order grid view.
  • Added the My Available Quantity column to the Item Master grid view. This will display the current count of the available units for each item master for the facility the user is logged in under.
  • Added the Facility column to the Unit Grid View.

The following highlights new features and functionality added or updated.

NEW: Item MasterRestock Quantity Level Setup
Added feature to setup restock quantity levels for item masters by Facility.

Below Minimum Quantity Grid View. A new grid view has been added to support review of facilities that fall below the Min Qty setup.

Portal Look Up Lists.
Increased the number of records displayed for look ups. Previously this had been limited to 3 records which then required type-ahead filtering and/or scrolling.

Apple Store Deployment.
Graduating from test flight to apple store download.

Receive New Unit (mobile/portal)
Add support to delete received units from the unit list on Receive New Unit for both portal and mobile.

Check Out – Movable Containers
Added the ability to check out a movable container. Containers must hold items that are all setup with the rule ‘can be checked out’. If a project is selected, any containers holding all items for that specific project with the rule of ‘can be checked out’ will be available to select. When the container is selected, the container and all units will be updated to ‘reserved’ status. The container will no longer be available to select within another check out transactions. When the check-out action is completed, the units are marked as either checked out (if returnable) or consumed (if not returnable). All units are automatically removed from the movable container which is then discarded.

NEW. Vehicle Logic.

  • Corrected the vehicle sub-type to be treated the same as a facility versus area. This was updated to support more complex configuration of vehicles.
  • Updated the internal Team and team facility/vehicle setup interface to support the ability to create either a facility and/or vehicle under a team.
  • Added support to Transfer Order and Build Shipment transaction to be able to select a destination of a vehicle. Vehicle must be assigned to a system user or to an internal team to be available to select.
  • Updates to the Transfer Request to support the transfer to as a vehicle.

UPDATE: Pick Order Transaction
The Pick Order transaction was overhauled to streamline the pick process. Pick Order is used in conjunction with the Transfer Order. A list of items is presented to complete picking and staging of items for either transfer or shipping. Units selected are marked as picked and associated with the transfer order, making those units not available to select for other orders, for check out, or standard transfers and move functions. When shipped, the units are updated to ‘in-transit’. If the destination is to a vehicle, the new Transfer Pick Up transaction is then used which will update the custodian, move the units to the vehicle, and update the status to available.

NEW. Transfer Order Pick Up Transaction (mobile)
Supports the ability to complete a pickup for transfer orders to a vehicle. This transaction creates the transfer of picked units for the order where destination is a vehicle to the vehicle location.

NEW. Copy Item Template
Added support to copy a template from another template to streamline configuration setup.

System User Check Out to Flag.
A checkbox on system users was added to flag a user as one that items can be checked out to. This was added to provide the option to remove system administrators from the check out to user list.

Update Unit transaction
Added logic to select a checked-out unit to support the change of status from checked out to missing.

Next Release Plan

The plan for next release includes the following:

  • Check Out Request Order & Mobile Check Out Request. Order infrastructure for items to be checked out. This will be the same as the Transfer Order with the ability to ‘pick’ the specific units to then reserve for later checkout. This infrastructure will include the order entry, a request (will look the same as transfer request) to create an order from the mobile app, order pick which will create the reservation. The reserved units can then be checked out the same as the current functionality supports. Adding this layer of functionality will provide flexibility to workflows and tighter management over units that can be checked out. Users at project or job sites can make a request on the item-level which will then be picked and reserved for check out when they return to the warehouse or tool crib.
  • Retire Unit. Additional functionality and logic for retirement of capitalized (depreciating) assets. Even though a unit is retired, it can still be in use. The Retire Unit will provide the ability to tag the unit as retired but allow organizations to either track is as disposed or keep it as available.
  • Placed in Service logic. Add the ability to track when a capitalized (units’ setup for depreciation) are placed in service.
  • Purchase Order Interface Updates. Updates for the PO entry interface are scheduled.

There are several other larger initiatives we plan to work on but may not be completed by the next scheduled release. Those include a contract management infrastructure and validations and count functionality. As always, we would love for any feedback. Priorities and plans may be adjusted accordingly.

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