Build Unit (Parent-Child Association)

The Build Unit transaction supports define a master item and associating components (parent-child relationships). The master or parent item is the item that is interacted with for moves, transfers, check outs, etc… The component (child) items are typically items are considered nested as a part f the master or parent item.

Setup Requirements

On item template setup, enable the appropriate rule of being tracked as a Master Item (Parent) or as a Component item (Child). An item can be setup as both as the system supports unlimited nesting options. A master item must be setup as a serial-tracked item. Component (child) items can be either a serial or quantity tracked type item.

On the item template, determine if the component/child item is a returnable item. If the rule is enabled that it is returnable, then it will continue to be tracked with the status of ‘In-Build’ when it is attached to a master/parent item and can be set up to be put back into inventory as available if removed from the master/parent. If the item is not defined as returnable, when it is added to the master/parent item, it is marked as consumed and is no longer tracked in the system outside of reporting.

Transaction Entry

On the desktop interface, Build Unit will be used to support both adding components and removing returnable components. On the mobile app, there are two separate transactions: Build Unit and Build Unit Update.

Build Unit Handle. Select the unit to add component/child items. Note that the item must have the above setup requirements.

  • There is also the ability to create a new master/parent unit item on-the-fly. Access create of a new parent unit by [+] next to the Build Unit field on the desktop or [Create Unit] tab on mobile.

Assign Components/Child Items.

  • The list of components will be displayed on the left side of the screen in desktop interface and the Components tab on mobile.
  • If the item is returnable, the status is updated for the child item to ‘In Build’.
  • If the item is not returnable, the status is updated to ‘consumed’. Reports and logging supports viewing consumable components for the master/parent item.

Remove Components

  • Returnable components can be removed by selecting the Remove Component tab in the desktop interface or using the Build Unit Update transaction on mobile.
    • Status of the component/child item can be set to On Hold, Available, or Adjustment to remove it from the system completely.

Grid View

  • Returnable component/child items (status = In-Build) can be visible on the main grid view by enabling including that status type on the setup of the grid view.
  • There is an ‘Build Unit’ grid view that will display the list of master/parent items with the + action to view the corresponding returnable component/child items. There is also a component tab which will return the list of all items with the status = In-Build.

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