Items units tracked in the system can be setup to be tracked as serialized or as tracked by a quantity.
Units that are serial tracked inherit a quantity of 1 and are individually identified in the system with assignment of a unique handle ID. When selected in a transaction, the quantity and location details are not required to be entered since the unit can only be in one location. When adding new serial-tracked item units, the Handle can be system-generated, or the user may enter a number. Numbers can be alpha-numeric and contain certain characters such as a dash or period.
Quantity tracked units will be tracked by the Item Master as the Handle ID. There may be multiple records for the same handle based on location, ownership, and any unit-level attributes set up to differentiate the items. When items are moved or updated, quantity-tracked records may be merged or updated. When a quantity tracked item is selected on transactions, the area (or movable container) needs to be selected as well as any unit attributes defined to identify the record. Available quantity will be displayed once the record is selected and a quantity to process for the transaction must then be entered.
If Handle ABC123 records also included unit attributes, the records would only be merged and updated if the record attributes matched completely. Unit attributes on quantity tracked units are considered filtering attributes. When unit attributes exist on quantity tracked units, additional selection is required to be able to select the correct record in the system.
Quantity tracked units can be serialized by assignment to a movable container. Movable containers can be set up to hold a single Item Master with matching attributes. Assignment to a movable container then supports the ability to easily select a quantity tracked unit the same as a serialized unit.