Define maintenance activities for units that require schedule maintenance. The first step before you begin is to set up the Maintenance Templates. The Maintenance Templates define what data to capture as part of the maintenance plan and to assign an initial schedule.
Setup the Maintenance Templates under the settings area accessed from the settings area from the top menu bar.
Go to the Maintenance page. This will display the grid view of the units with maintenance activities currently defined.
Use the [+New Plan Assignment] to set up a new maintenance plan. Units can be assigned multiple plans.
Select Unit
Select the unit to create the maintenance plan. Units available must have the rule enabled on the template ‘Track Maintenance Activities for this Item’.
This rule can only be assigned to serial-tracked units.
Maintenance Type
Select the maintenance template.
If this is defined on the maintenance template selected, it will be defaulted. It can be changed per unit if needed. If no frequency is defined on the template, then enter the frequency.
Frequency can be based on days, weeks, or months.
Last Maintenance Date
Record the last maintenance date or the unit if it is available. The current date will default.
Next Maintenance Date
This will be calculated based on the Last Maintenance Date. However, it can then be overridden to set the next maintenance date manually.
Enter any additional description or notes regarding this maintenance plan for the unit.
The maintenance grid view displays all of the unit’s setup with a plan and the next maintenance date. Maintenance dates that are past due will be identified with the date display in red and an Overdue tag. Those maintenance plans that are upcoming will be displayed in green.
Edits to the unit and maintenance plan can be completed. This includes edits to the frequency, the next maintenance date, and the description. The maintenance plan can also be disabled.