Reclassify Unit Transaction

This transaction is designed to re-assign an existing unit to a different Item Master assignment. This condition may exist if the original receipt for the unit was entered with the incorrect item master. In some cases, multiple item master may have been created that represents the same item. This transaction supports the ability to move the units under a single item master to then be able to inactivate or delete masters that would then no longer be used.

This function can only be completed for serial tracked items.

Unit Handle
Select the unit handle to change.

When selected, the current master assignment and description will be displayed.

New Item Master
Assign the new item master.

When selected, the corresponding item master description will be displayed for verification.
If the item master has different unit attributes defined, the attributes that will be removed will be displayed and the attributes to assign will be displayed. If attributes match from the old and the new assignment, the attribute fields will be displayed and enabled for editing if needed.

This transaction should be used with caution. Be sure to review the details prior to committing the change. This would typically be assigned to a user with an administrator role.

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