This release primarily contains added support for the newly added ‘Deployed’ status and infrastructure. A unit assigned to the deployed status is treated similar to a unit with a status of available. Deployed status typically assigned as a status for internally owned asset type units that are stationary; therefore, that retain a specific facility and area location assignment. Deployed units can also be assigned a user as a custodian as an option. Support to select deployed status units has been added to the following mobile and portal transactions:
- Move Unit to move a unit from one area location to another in the same facility.
- Transfer Site Location transaction to move a unit from one facility to another facility location.
- Replace Handle to support replacing a handle (i.e., asset tag).
- Build Unit to support adding and removing component (child) units to a master (parent) unit that is deployed.
- Retire Unit to support updating a retire date to a deployed unit and/or to update a deployed unit to the status of Disposed.
- Unit Maintenance transaction to support recording maintenance actions on a unit with a deployed status.
- Validate Unit transaction (on mobile) to support completing a periodic validation of units with the status of deployed in an area location or assigned to a user.
Other Feature Adds
- The BUILD UNIT transaction on portal was updated to support the ability to remove returnable components. This function is a separate transaction on mobile but will eventually be combined with the initial creating of a build in the near future.
- A new transaction-level rule was added for Receive New Unit to support defaulting the Receive For team to the user’s current logged in team.
- Additional columns were added to the Build Component Grid View to include the corresponding facility and area location based on the master unit.
- A new setting option has been added for the Item Unit Grid View to define the status options that will be displayed. The optional status options that can be selected include Checked Out, Deployed, Reserved, In-Build and In-Transit. These all have separate grid view inquiries but can also be added to the primary grid view. Units with the status of Available, Deployed, and Picked remain included in the standard display.
- The primary Item Unit Grid View was updated to add the ability for users to customize shortcuts to other grid views. The grid view shortcut options include Below Minimum Quantity, Build Unit Component, Checked Out Units, Deployed Units, In-Transit Units, Item Masters, and Stock Level Grid.
This version release had additional testing efforts on mobile with several minor improvements and corrections. There were also minor enhancements completed for the portal.