For units that are internally owned and typically are capital assets tracked in financials for depreciation, retire dates and disposals need to be tracked. For serial-tracked type items that need to be tracked for retirement and disposal, be sure to enable on the item template rule. PanatrackerST treats retirement separate from disposal. Units may be retired for financial purposes, but still used by the organization. When the unit is disposed, it is no longer tracked within the system.
There is a grid view available for Retired Units under the Inquiries and Views section. The grid view includes the retire date and the status of the unit.
Be sure the Team Role has Retire Unit Transaction enabled for the users that need access to this transaction.
Handle. Select the handle of the unit to retire and/or dispose. Note that the item template must have the Track for Retirement and Disposal enabled.
Status. When the status of Retired is selected, the current unit status (Available, Deployed, Checked Out) will be retained. When the status of ‘Disposed’ is selected, then the unit is no longer tracked in the system. When a unit has a retire date assigned, only disposal will be available to select.