Deleting Users from the Portal

For research and auditing purposes, it is recommended to inactivate ‘old’ users, rather than deleting them. This can be done by:

  1. Navigating to the User Administration page (under the Administration menu) of your PanatrackerGP portal
  2. Click the Edit button next to the user’s name
  3. Uncheck the Active checkbox
  4. Click the Update User button. (Note: the page may not refresh after clicking the Update User button, but the change will have been saved.)

However, if your portal administrator has determined that an old user should be deleted, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure to take a backup of your PanatrackerGP database.
  2. Run the attached script against your PanatrackerGP database. 
  3. Once the script has been run, type the following statement in the PanatrackerGP database (Note: You must replace the example username with the user name that you’d like to delete.)
 UserName = 'bugsbunny'

Now you should be able to refresh the User Administration page on your portal and see that the user is removed.

Please let us know if these steps do not resolve the issue.

Note: We recommend opening the PanatrackerGP portal in a browser such as Chrome or Firefox, whenever possible

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