How do I set up alternate item numbers in GP?

Within Dynamics GP, you have the option to set up an alternate item number of cross references.

To set this up in GP go to: Inventory>>Cards>>Item Purchasing Option then type in your GP Item number. A gear icon will become active just to the right of the item look up. This will open the Manufacturer’s Item Number Maintenance window.  Any item number populated here can be used for data capture in the Panatracker application interface.

Panatrack has added features within the application to support adding these transactions.  Based on the configuration setting AllowMfgCodeAssignments set to “True”, if an item number not set up within GP is entered at receiving against a purchase order, the user will be prompted to associate the number with an item on the PO.  Once associated, this item number can be used within the Panatracker application.

There is also an Associate Mfg Item # transaction under tools to provide the ability to create your cross references for any of your GP item numbers.

Any associations made from either Receiving or the Associate Mfg Item # transaction is logged in the Panatracker portal for auditing. 

If for any reason the same item number is associated to multiple GP item numbers, when scanned or entered in PanatrackerGP, the list of items associated with that entry will be displayed to select from. 

If your vendor item numbers are barcoded to use for other transactions, Panatrack recommends setting those item numbers up as a cross reference also to take full advantage of the barcode technology. 

If you have maintained a master list of cross reference numbers, contact your Dynamics GP partner to populate the GP table (IV00115 table) with this data through a SQL script.

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