How do I change a handheld to access PanatrackerGP via an IP address rather than a DNS name?

In some environments, the handheld devices are not easily able to resolve DNS, therefore they cannot communicate reliably with the PanatrackerGP portal to complete transactions. In instances like this, it is recommended to use the IP address of the server rather than its DNS name. To change the handhelds to use the IP address, please follow these instructions below:

First, you will need to delete the device’s record from the devices page on your PanatrackerGP portal. This must be done because the device will attempt to authenticate with the portal after rebuilding its database. This authentication will fail because the device already exists on the portal. To remove the device from the portal, do the following:

  1. Log into your PanatrackerGP Portal.
  2. Navigate to the Devices page and locate the device for which you will be deleting the database.
  3. Click the ‘Delete’ button to the left of the device in the list and accept the ‘Are you sure you want to delete this record’ prompt.

After that is complete, you will want to delete the config file on the handheld by doing the following:

  1. Open the Start menu on the handheld.
  2. Navigate to File Explorer
  3. Select ‘My Device’ from the drop-down menu on the top of the screen
  4. Open the ‘Application Data’ folder, then open the ‘Panatrack’ folder
  5. Hold down the stylus on the file named ‘ConfigV7’ (or ‘DataV6’) and select Delete from the menu that pops up.
  6. Then restart the PanatrackerGP application on the handheld. You will be prompted to enter the server information at this time. In the server field, enter in the IP address of the server hosting PanatrackerGP.
  7. Once you receive the message telling you the device has not yet been activated on your portal, refresh your portal’s devices page. The device you are working with should now appear in the list. Select the Edit button next to the device. In the pop up, mark the checkbox next to active and set the device to the profile you would like to use. Hit “Ok” to close that window and then continue on the handheld. You should now reach the PanatrackerGP Main Menu on the handheld.

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