Spot Count

The Spot Count transaction is designed to complete a count against a site – bin – item. It is not recommended for non-multi-bin environments unless the item you are counting is consolidated to a single spot that can be counted with a single count entry. It works well for a multi-bin environment to do a quick count for a specific bin.

The site can be defaulted based on a profile level setting option. Otherwise select the site.

Select which item to count.

Select which bin location to count for the item

Count will be based on the items base unit of measure which will automatically default.

On Hand/Available Quantity Display
Setting Spot Count Variance Calculation determines if the count will be against GP’s On Hand or Available Quantity. In many cases, Available quantity is more accurate since it reflects allocated quantities such as items fulfilled on a sales order where the invoice has not been posted but the items have been picked and are no longer in the bin location.

Display Min/Max Setting Option
Enabled with the setting Display Min/Max. This requires the associated setup in GP to be useful.

Display Option for Variance Cost Setting Option
Adds the total cost based on the variance quantity. This can be displayed as standard or current cost or disabled with none.

Reason Code Behavior for Spot Count Setting Option
Reason Code Default Assignment for Spot Count Setting Option

Enables the reason code field and supports the ability to setup a default. Many organizations set up a general Spot Count reason code in GP that supports both the Increase and Decrease adjustment types.

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