GP Modern Lifecycle policy and PanatrackerGP adapter versions

Beginning with the Dynamics GP October 2019 release, Microsoft includes Dynamics GP in their “Modern Lifecycle” Policy. This Modern Lifecycle policy offers users continuous support, new features, bug fixes, and tax updates in their ongoing updates. The updates are delivered via planned releases in June, October, and November/December. To receive “full product support” from Microsoft, customers need to be on one of the versions of Dynamics GP released that year. Here’s some more information:

A side-effect of the Modern Lifecycle policy is that the released product is now referred to as simply “Microsoft Dynamics GP”, and not by the previous familiar name that indicated a clear version number (e.g., “Dynamics GP 10” or “Dynamics GP 2018”). Microsoft’s current product naming unfortunately yields a confusing generic reference for partners, ISVs and customers. Many in the GP community now refer to the product as “Dynamics GP (October 2020)”, but this fails to offer a recognizable version number for support and add-on products. To address this confusion, many have resorted to referring to the product using the internal version number (e.g., “18.2”) that is present in the user interface window and code units. Panatrack has also found this internal version number is the best mechanism for our PanatrackerGP product.

Therefore, going forward, PanatrackerGP will now refer to this internal version number for installation and integration reporting for the Dynamics GP Modern Lifecycle versions. Our newly released versions will tag our adapters using naming such as “PanatrackerGP for DynamicsGP v18.x”. Our adapters for the older “Fixed Policy” products (e.g., Dynamics GP 2016) will not change. You will see these names within our portal’s System Status page, in our exception notification emails, and during the installation process. Note that this does not affect the PanatrackerGP product version itself – just our adapter references to Dynamics GP.

As Dynamics GP continues to evolve, we will continue to evolve the Panatracker GP product.

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