Limit Number of Digits in Quantity Field

Some clients would like to limit the quantities entered Panatrack transactions, especially those entered via barcode scanning. Using the RegEx capabilities of PanatrackerGP. Clients can prevent users from scanning an all digit barcode like a UPC into the quantity field.

Navigate to the ‘Configure’ Menu on the left and select ‘System Settings’

Select the ‘Barcode Control’ Menu

Set ‘Enable Regex Features’ to ‘True’

Scroll down to and click on ‘Data Pattern Quantity Field’

Clear out the existing ‘^.*$

Replace with: ^[0-9]{1,3}$ 


The setting ^[0-9]{1,3}$ will limit the entry to 3 digits, a quantity of 999 is the highest number that could be entered into the quantity field. Panatrack will not Truncate a quantity or barcode entered, it will reject anything with more than 3 digits.

Changing the 3 in this string will impact the digits allowed.

For example ^[0-9]{1,4}$ allows 4 digits; ^[0-9]{1,5}$ allows 5 digits and so on.

Quantity Field setting: ^[0-9]{1,3}$

                Where 1,3 indicates no more than 3 digits can be entered, limit ‘999’

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